If your student is going to be absent or late, please call or email the attendance line directly
Phone | |
541-790-5725 | ata_attendance@4j.lane.edu |
Regular school attendance and punctuality are important.
When a student is absent or running late, we request that the parent/guardian call the 24 hour school attendance line (541-790-5725) or email the school attendance line (ata_attendance@4j.lane.edu) to notify the school of your students absence.
Under Oregon law, an absence is excusable if your student is:
If we do not receive a notification from a parent/guardian, or if the reason for an absence/late is unacceptable, the absence/late may go unexcused.
Oregon law also notes that if a student is absent for 10 consecutive school days regardless if their absence if excused or not, the student will be dropped and will need to re-enroll.